Big Data Engineer
Data Analytics Engineer
In the era of big data, the world is producing more information than it can consume
Users share 240,000 photos on Facebook
People submit 5.7 million queries to Google
6 million customers make an online purchase
Viewers stream a cumulative 425,000 hours of Netflix
Data analytics is a rapidly developing field. Data analysts are in high demand across many industries, as more businesses focus on a data-driven approach. Whether it’s in finance, education, or manufacturing, the ability to understand and interpret data is sought-after.
A data analyst is usually the person who can do basic descriptive statistics, visualize data, and communicate data points for conclusions. They must have a basic understanding of statistics, a perfect sense of databases, the ability to create new views, and the perception to visualize the data. Data analytics can be referred to as the necessary level of data science.
Skills Required to Become a Data Analyst
Knowledge of mathematical statistics
Fluent understanding of R and Python
Data Wrangling Understand PIG/ HIVE
What will you learn in Analytics Engineer Skills?
Learn all the skill sets that is required to become an Analytics Engineer
In-depth understanding of data modelling techniques
Ability to participate in architectural decision making and be able to create one
Data modelling techniques using DBT
Learn hands-on skills required to build a Data Warehouse from scratch
Boost your resume with most in-demand Analytics Engineer skills
Design & Implement a Data Warehouse
Create Data Warehouse Architecture
Design Conceptual, Logical & Physical Models
Learn various modelling methodologies (Inmon, Kimball, Data Vault, OBT)
Apply principles of dimensional data modeling in a hands-on
Learn all the concepts and terms such as the OLTP, OLAP, Facts, Dimensions, StarSchema, Snowflake Schema.
EPF Program helped me to build confidence and work with inhouse client.
EPF program helped me to get placed with good brands .
A 6 weeks long program helped me in my internship and getting placed in financial institutions which I always dreamed of.
EPF Program and 2 months inhouse program helped to get placed in nationwide bank.