Machine Learning Engineer

Rs 19999

Machine Learning Engineer

Machine Learning Engineer

Demand for machine learning engineers (already in short supply) is high and only expected to grow as the complexity of, and access to, machine learning increases. Machine learning has changed rapidly over the past few years. Within the tech world, the bounds of machine learning are constantly being pushed. The complexity of machine learning models and systems engineering has increased as more applications demand real-time or near real-time inferences

What will you learn in ML Skills?

 Build ML models with NumPy scikit-learn, build  train supervised models for prediction binary classification tasks (linear, logistic regression)
 Build  train a neural network with TensorFlow to perform multi-class classification,build , use decision trees , tree ensemble methods
 Apply best practices for ML development & use unsupervised learning techniques for unsupervised learning including clustering anomaly detection
 Build recommender systems with a collaborative filtering approach a content-based deep learning method build a deep reinforcement learning model

 Decision Trees
 Artificial Neural Network

 Logistic Regression
 Recommender Systems
 Linear Regression
 Regularization to Avoid Overfitting
 Gradient Descent
 Supervised Learning
 Logistic Regression for Classification
 Xgboost
 Tensorflow
 Tree Ensembles

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