First Level Manager
Junior Management – Leadership Development Programmes are designed for junior managers, who want to develop and enhance those interpersonal skills that will positively impact their ability to manage teams and achieve results. Leadership development programmes will help managers develop and enhance skills such as self-awareness, resilience, flexibility and adaptability. These are all critical to a leader’s success
First-Line Manager Responsibilities , Skills , Factors Needed To Excel As a Level -1 Manager
First line managers typically make up 50-60% of the managers in the organization, and their influence on the success or failure of the strategy is significant. They are the ones who come in day to day contact with employees and they are responsible for execution. They know more than senior management knows, what really happens on the ground with the product, the service, the customers. First line managers are central to any change.
EPF Program helped me to build confidence and work with inhouse client.
EPF program helped me to get placed with good brands .
A 6 weeks long program helped me in my internship and getting placed in financial institutions which I always dreamed of.
EPF Program and 2 months inhouse program helped to get placed in nationwide bank.